
NewKingdom,NewDrama:Yourroyaldecreesandunpredictablerequestsofthepeoplewillshapebothyourtimeonthethroneandthefutureofyourdynasty.,2023年10月12日—在Reigns:HerMajesty的世界裏,一場文化復興運動席捲全球,世界步入了充满着智慧與靈感的新紀元。善良的王后在危機四伏的宮殿中與貪婪和嫉妒的人們爭戰 ...,NewKingdom,NewDrama:Yourroyaldecreesandunpredictablerequestsofthepeoplewillshapebothyourtimeonthethronean...

Reigns: Her Majesty

New Kingdom, New Drama: Your royal decrees and unpredictable requests of the people will shape both your time on the throne and the future of your dynasty.

Reigns: Her Majesty

2023年10月12日 — 在Reigns: Her Majesty的世界裏,一場文化復興運動席捲全球,世界步入了充满着智慧與靈感的新紀元。善良的王后在危機四伏的宮殿中與貪婪和嫉妒的人們爭戰 ...

Reigns: Her Majesty

New Kingdom, New Drama: Your royal decrees and unpredictable requests of the people will shape both your time on the throne and the future of your dynasty.

Reigns: Her Majesty

2023年10月12日 — Reigns: Her Majesty作为Reigns历史性续作,延续了左右划卡的经典操作方式,来决定故事的发展。在Reigns: Her Majesty的世界里,一场文化复兴运动席卷 ...

Reigns: Her Majesty

Novo reino, novo drama: Seus decretos reais e as solicitações imprevisíveis do povo irão moldar o seu reinado e o futuro da sua dinastia. Administre com cuidado ...

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